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Community artist - sell your art at Baltic Pride

Baltic Pride tiim

Updated: May 5, 2023

Do you want to see your art at the sales counter of Estonian LGBT+ artists at the Baltic Pride festival?

Then let us know about it or share the information with an artist you know!

Baltic Pride is the largest LGBT event in the Baltics, which this time takes place in our own Tallinn!

Since this is an event created by the LGBT community for the LGBT community, we want to give local purple artists/craftsmen/designers a place to sell their products to the community.

Thus, the organizing team came up with the idea of creating an area for the Baltic Pride picnic, where festival visitors can buy products from Estonian LGBT creators.

Logistically, it would be a space where festival volunteers mediate sales - we do not offer the opportunity to sell our own products.

By selling your products at the festival, you also have the opportunity to support the Estonian LGBT Association by donating part of the earned income to the NGO. It's optional!

The sale will take place on 10-06 at the post-procession picnic from 15-17:00.

PS: Organizers have the right to refuse to sell products.

Register here.

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