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Tallinn to host Baltic Pride 2023


On June 6, Baltic Pride 2023 begins, which has found its way to Tallinn again after six years. Baltic Pride 2023, with the motto "One for all and all for equality", takes place this time under solidarity and intersectionality, which means that the LGBT+ community is not alone at Pride.

The program of the Baltic Pride week includes many different events, such as the Rainbow Heroes gala, the international conference "A diverse environment, a safer Estonia!", the opening of the exhibition "From such people to LGBT activism. 20th century stories about sexual and gender minorities in Estonia", a comedy show and a family morning.

On Saturday, June 10, the organizer of the pride, the Estonian LGBT Association, invites the LGBT+ community, friends and supporters of both Estonia and the Baltic countries to take part in the Baltic Pride parade to show support for diversity and equality.

The march starts at 13:00 on Harju Street, which continues to Rävala Boulevard to the Linnaruumi festival area, where after the end of the march there will be an open-air concert with community artists and a picnic.

All information about Baltic Pride 2023 is available on the website

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